The Art of Being Right

The Art of Being Right

Win all your debates!

How to speak in public, argue and convince even using logical fallacies. Win all your debates!

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A propos du livre

How can you use arguments to deflect difficult situations? Do you recognize all flaws in someone else’s argument?

Schopenhauer teaches you how to use logical fallacy to win your argument regardless of whether or not truth is on your side.

The book is mostly about winning debates even if that means ignoring logic and reason. The book lists 38 tricks that people use to defend their position or undermine other’s in order to win debates. The point of the book to use these tricks and also to identify when they are being used against you or are being used in any other debate you might be interested. Being aware of those tricks allows you to deal with them in a way they don’t impact you on a debate.

This book is a fun dissection of argument strategy, and is highly recommend to anyone who enjoys a good argument.

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Auteur: Arthur Schopenhauer
Genre: Personal development
Mots clés: Debate, Public speaking
Editeur : Éditions Amani
Format : Paperback
ISBN: 9798628971437
Note :

Prix catalogue: $5.99
Prix au format ebook: $0.99
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